Tyler Hilton (photos)

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Tyler Hilton

In the beginning of his two month long tour with The Spill Canvas, Tyler Hilton made his stop in Denver on April 23rd, 2010 at The Bluebird Theater.

Tyler Hilton is promoting his April 20th release of his EP 'Ladies & Gentlemen', an introduction to his upcoming album 'The Storms We Share'.

Tyler sings with all of his heart and soul and brings you into the world of crushes, love and tough times that we all go through that play with our strings of emotion. Tyler even added John Waite's classic  1984 hit 'Missing You' to his set list and brought out the girlieness in all of us.

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Below you can view the slideshow of the concert and then click on the interview link below that, to view the full interview that -Cinn- of Cuneo Productions and the Denver Examiner had with Tyler...

(Tyler Hilton) Slideshow of the concert!

Cuneo Productions Ltd interview with Tyler Hilton

Tyler Hilton video interview



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Copyright © 2013 Cuneo Productions
Last modified: May 05, 2010