Second Wind

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Band History 

In 1976 "Larry Ortiz-bass player", and "Dave Cohen-guitarist" started playing Music together. They had spent 3 years writing songs and then "Dino Cuneo" collaborating on a musical style that was different from other bands at that time and have kept that tradition going strong 26 years later.  Over the years there have been many different musicians that have joined the group and seemingly left for one reason or another.  In 1998 "Dan Pound-bass player" joined the group. These 3 musicians have made music together that would be described as progressive Rock and has a flavor of (Rush, Pink Floyd, Queens Ryche, & Santana), with a lot of double kick and snare back beats to give it a "Modern -Today- Sound". Through the years Larry's daughter, Erika Ortiz started playing the rhythm guitar and with endless practice became another member of this ever changing band.  The thing most striking about Second Wind is that all age groups like the music that they play.   "A Twenty Six Year Legacy to Rock n Roll"

Second Wind is:

Larry Ortiz - Guitars and Lead Vocals

Dan Pound - Bass Guitars - Background Vocal

Erika Ortiz - Rhythm Guitar - Background Vocal

Dino Cuneo - Drums 

2004 Photos   (Second Wind live at Whiskey Bills)


FREE Music 

SAVE OPTIONS - Right Click and choose save as to down load songs, or you can just click on the name and your windows media player will load and you can listen to music while you browse this site. 



For More Information Contact:

Cuneo Productions LTD
Tel: 303-851-8737
FAX: 303-816-4838


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2013 Cuneo Productions
Last modified: June 24, 2011