Generations Jazz Trio

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Dino has played with Generations as a full time member since 1995. The group was originally called (The Together's) back in 1970, and Dino played with them off and on since then.  He was 9 years old when he first played with the group professionally.  They have released 2 full length CDs and a Demo CD.  The trio plays on a regular basis so keep an eye out for them and enjoy that jazz...  If you would like to visit the Generations web site, here is a link to the band web site where you can read on there bios and other interesting facts. 


Ed Dunklee - Piano

Marianne Finch - Vocal & Bass Guitar

Dino Cuneo - Drums & Occasional Backing Vocal

CD Projects


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Cuneo Productions LTD
Tel: 303-941-3179


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Copyright © 2013 Cuneo Productions
Last modified: January 06, 2010